The Top Five Reasons for Eating a Healthy Dish of Sea Food Everyday
From fresh and saltwater fish to deep-water shellfish, sea food is practically everybody’s beloved delicacy. It is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein and omega 3 fatty acid all that will help in combating lethal diseases. So as you embark in another crawfish broil or a tasty sautéed salmon remember that what you’re having is not only tasty but will also reap you many benefits. And nothing can be tastier than a dish cooked in Thai signature lemongrass broth or an oriental sauce. Hence choose the best of Thai restaurant in the city and discover the sultry flavors of the salty meat the benefits of which is given in the blog below. Improved Eyesight According to a medical study conducted in 2014 it was discovered that the omega 3 fatty acid present in sea food is less likely to cause age related macular muscle degeneration, a disease that can result in eye sight deterioration in the long run. Fish and shellfish can help in improved night vision as well. ...